Variant Tagging

A tag is a label (such as “Cancer” or “Investigate”) which you can use to label and track variants in an analysis.

Create tags

Menu: [settings] -> [tags]


Tagging variants

In an analysis, click the ../_images/add-icon.pngAdd icon in the “tags” column then auto-complete your tag.

../_images/tag_analysis_add_tag.pngAdding a tag

To remove a tag - clicking on the tag. The tag will grow in size, and a ../_images/delete-icon.pngdelete symbol will appear. Click it to remove the variant tag.

../_images/tags_analysis_remove.pngRemoving a tag

Using tags

Click the ../_images/tags_colored.pngtag icon on the toolbar to view all Tags in an analysis ../_images/all_tags.png

To filter to specific tags - add a tag node, and use it like any other node to filter variants to just those that have been tagged.


You can view all tagged variants on a page, via menu: [analysis] -> [Tagged Variants]]